Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Race Matters

Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream in 1963...his Dream was that "race" would no longer play a major role in determining a person's chances in life.

Although we know that "race" is a social construct, rather than a biological fact, it IS part of a social reality that we all operate within.  Does "race" still matter in determining the chances a person in the USA will face in life?  Do all people have the same opportunities for success, happiness, etc., regardless of race?

Your job:
1) find a current statistic (health, education, economic, social, etc.) that has data based on "race" -- include the title of the statistic and the numbers.
2) cite your source (URL).
3) explain whether your statistic shows that MLK, Jr's Dream has come true or not.
4) give your two cents about whether the Dream is now, or will ever be in the future, a reality -- read other peoples' comments to help you decide.
5) include your name (first name, last initial), and class period.

Make sure your statistic is unique (no one else has chosen it).

Sample comment:
1) Distribution of Household Income by Race -- Year 2010 Households Below $14,999 Income
White 11.1%
Black 25.8%
Hispanic origin 17.4%
2) http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0104552.html
3) This statistic shows a much higher percentage of households of color living on very low household incomes. Society is not yet equal in terms of household income, so MLK, Jr.'s Dream does not yet appear to be a reality.  In fact, the numbers for prior years show a smaller discrepancy between "race," so things appear to have gotten worse lately.  This may be due to the recent economic downturn that had greater negative impacts on black and hispanic households than on white households.
4) The Dream has not yet come true due to the current impacts of historical practices and attitudes designed to keep the people in power on top of the system.  It may come true some day, as the racial/ethnic makeup of the country changes, but it will be a difficult task to convince the people on top that helping those on the bottom get up is good for everyone -- "a rising tide lifts all boats."  Education is power, so to empower all people, we need more and better education for all for the Dream to have a chance.
5) Mr. H., 2 and 3 Period

This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on 5/21/15...Good Luck!