Wednesday, February 3, 2016

You've done some research, now it's time to think about your future and anthropology!  Will taking some anthropology courses (and the skills that go with them) in college, be helpful in your future career?

This is a 5 point assignment due by 2/9/16 @ 11:59pm:
1) put your first name, last initial, and class period
2) give your potential career choice #1
3) explain how taking some anthropology courses in college will, or will not, be helpful in your potential specific in your explanation
4) if you could study anthropology anywhere in the world, where would you do it, and why there?
Good luck!

When you successfully complete this assignment, you will see your comment posted right away...if you don't see it posted, try again!  Keep of the greatest predictors of your future success in life is your ability to stick with it and figure things out!


  1. 3rd Period

    Business wouldn't be key to have anthropology as a class because business isn't involved with science and study of humans.

    I would study in Italy because I've had experience w/ Pompeii on hand.

    1. Did you read this part?
      "Anthropologists are employed in a number of different sectors, from colleges and universities to government agencies, NGOs, businesses, and health and human services. Within the university, they teach undergraduate and graduate anthropology, and many offer anthropology courses in other departments and professional schools such as business, education, design, and public health."

  2. Evan P 3rd. I want to study fashion design, I could use anthropology to study fashion from years past. I would study anthropology is Mongolia because there is a lot of culture there and its beautiful.

  3. Matt B 3rd
    Structural engineer
    Anthropology classes will help me understand different cultures that I will no doubt interact with. I would study anthropology in the four corners region of the US.

  4. Michelle Kassel 3rd. My potential career choice is a geriatric nurse practitioner. I don't think taking anthropology courses in college will be helpful because I feel I will get all the necessary knowledge I will ever need from the anthropology field in this class. Anything beyond that is excessive. I would study anthropology in Bali because Bali is really cool and there is a lot of significant historical occurrences there.

    1. As a geriatric nurse practitioner, would you be interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds and practices?

  5. Alli S 3rd Period
    I want to study psychology, I could use anthropology to study how people have interacted with each other in the past. I would want to study anthropology in South America because it has many different cultures and it is beautiful.

  6. Matt E 3rd Period
    Career Choice #1- Economist
    Anthropology will be helpful because SociolCultural Anthropology helps understand humans decision to use money inside culture.

    I would study in Europe, Because the remains of old Empires May still be present

  7. 1) Tobias S. 3rd

    2) Paleontology

    3) How could it not help you? Gives you experience of terms of background knowledge of your respective field and potential field experience if the class ever took trips.

    4) A variety of places so if a highly important dig were to come up, I'd be invited due to my experience

  8. Missy W Period 3
    Career Choice #1- Preschool Teacher
    Taking Anthropogy in college would help my communication skills and give me a better understanding of people and the diversity.

  9. Jennifer R period 3
    Career choice: anesthesiologist
    Taking anthropology could help me with communication skills so that I can describe to the patient the procedure while staying calm. Taking anthropology will help me understand the diversity among different types of people and how to talk to them in a manner that will keep them calm and relax so the procedure goes well.
    I would want to study anthropology in Asia because their culture is interesting to me and sightseeing would be beautiful.

  10. rachel r period 3
    A potential career choice for me is forensics. Anthropology classes would benefit me because I would learn more about humans. If I could study anthropology anywhere it would probably be all over the world because then I could learn it from different points of view and it would give me a deeper understanding.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hayden B, p3
    -I think some Anthropolagy classes might help in learning more about other cultures and being able to use that in my art.
    -Maybe all around America to learn more about other places then just Chicago.

  13. Matthew C.
    Music education (Band and Orchestra)
    Taking some anthropology classes in college would definitely help me. It would help me to understand music in cultures around the world and what it means to those cultures. It would also help me to be able to understand the cultures that my students come from.
    If I could study anthropology anywhere in the world I'd like to do so in the middle of Africa. That's is the region of the world where little is known about their music, the instruments they use to play it, and the reasons it is important to them. I'd like to find out more about it.

  14. Crystal Cardona
    - A potential career for me is elementary education.This may benefit my career, because later on in the future their could be an outbreak of anthropologists and their discoveries. Then, I will be the one to teach it. I will already have taken this class and have background knowledge.I would choose to study in Europe, because many people do not know about the anthropologists over there and it would be helpful to the united states for imports.

  15. Kyler F Period 3
    -Anthropology courses could benefit my career by allowing me to reserve judgment on future patients and their way of life and standard of living.
    -I would love to study anthropology in action in a third world country while treating the locals as a student nurse.

  16. -Josh L. 3rd Period
    -Music Performance
    -Anthropology courses most likely won't benefit my major because Music really doesn't have anything in common with Anthropology.
    -Machu Picchu because it is a really cool looking place and it looks like there is a lot of history there.

    1. You would be surprised how much music and anthropology overlap...see the field of ethnomusicology (aka, musical anthropology).

  17. Brenda C 3rd
    Anthropology courses would help in my career because of all the science that comes with nursing, both fields can combine to get more answers & give better explanations
    I would study anthropology in Mexico to learn more about how things came to be, being that my family is from there

  18. Jake Engen 3rd
    paramedical sales rep
    Anthropology courses would help me in my career because learning more about people cultures would help me to understand what medicine people use and the tradition remedies they are use to and learn from that to market it more towards different groups of people

  19. Marlo C. 3rd
    Anthropology would help me in my career choice because I can learn more about different cultures and art from those cultures.I would study anthropology in the Middle East because that is where ancient Mesopotamia is located.

  20. Adrian L
    Therapist anthropology would help me in my career because i could learn more how things have a effect on people and study there cultures
    I would study this in France because I want to go to France

  21. Cullen Cogburn 3rd p
    1)mureen core
    2) anthropology would help me because it helps you understand the diversity of the human population.
    3) i would study in the middle east because that area along with india and north africa seem like they were crucial to the advancement of human civilization

  22. 1) Nikolai G. P. 3
    2) Software Developer
    3) Anthropology could provide an insight on answers to problems that I would normally not think of
    4) I would study anthropology here in the US as I have no reason to leave the country and even if I did leave it would mostly likely be much more expensive and far out of my budget

  23. 1) Jamie P. period 3
    2) Video Game Designer
    3) Anthropology can give me the resources to compare society and what was going on at the time, to the video games of that time period and how it related.
    4) I would study anthropology in Brazil because its a heavily populated country with forests and tourists. This means that Brazil would be an optimal place to study multiple walks of life.

  24. 1.Hannah R. Period,3
    2. Special Education Teacher
    3. Will; would help me to better understand different students and why they are the way they are. Will also help me to become a better researcher.
    4. South America, only because it's beautiful down there and they have a strange culture that is enjoy learning more about.
