Monday, March 14, 2016

Primates...Your Favorite and the Challenges It Faces

1) Choose your favorite primate (try this site if you can't remember any, and be specific...for example, there many types of lemur).
2) Why do you like this primate?
3) Where is it (what is its current range)?
4) How many are there?
5) What are the top 2 challenges/problems facing this primate?
6) What do you think should be done to help this primate?
7) What is an organization in the real world that is designed to help this type of primate, or is designed to help animals in general and might be helping this primate?

Post your comment with your first name and last initial.  Keep trying until you see it post.  This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on Friday 3/18/16.

Good luck!


  1. 1:Gorillas
    2:i like this primate because of king kong
    4:About 156,180 gorillas left
    5: Bushman market targets gorillas
    natural disasters
    6: keep the gorillas on watch and help them out more

    1. What does 5 mean exactly?
      What would you do for 6?

  2. Bonobos
    I like this primate because they share a common emotion level as us.
    Along the Congo River in South America
    Anywhere from 29,000-50,000
    The bonobos face the fear of poachers and habitat loss since they live in the canopy.
    There should be more laws on poaching and a tree should be planted for every tree cut down.
    BCI is a non-profit organization that raises awareness about bonobos around the world.

  3. 1) Allen's swamp monkey
    2) Has a dumb name
    3) Central Africa
    4)Unknown they are not endangered, live in social groups of 40
    5)hunting/habitat loss
    6)Protection against habitat loss and hunting
    7)Non pouching laws, more respect for nature

    1. 6 protect how?
      7 re-read the Q.

  4. Missy W. Period 3

    My favorite primate is the bonobo or pan paniscus. I like the bonobo because they are really caring primates. Bonobos live in a 200,000 km area in central Africa in the democratic republican of Congo. The population is from 50,000 to 100,000. Some problems the bonobos are facing are 1. the increased poverty in the area has contributed to bonobo poaching and deforestation 2. the bonobo population is declining due to the low reproductive rate and growing threats. I think that something people can do to help the bonobos are stop tearing down the forests and make pouching illegal if not already. An organization that helps this animal and all other animals is the Bonobo Conservation Initiative and also PETA.

  5. Hayden B. P3
    1)Hoolock Gibbon
    2)They look nice
    5)-If there is not enough food in an area the number of Gibbons is lower compared to other areas
    -They are now entirely dependent on human action for their survival.
    Threats to them include:
    -Habitat encroachment by humans
    -Forest clearances
    -Hunted for food
    -Capture for trade
    6)Keep having them in captivity to produce more offspring and increase lifespan. Also make laws in the areas of there living habitats so people are not allowed to capture them.
    7)Red List:

  6. 1) Humans
    2) Humans have music
    3) All continents except Antartica
    4) Approximately 7 billion
    5) 1. Sustainable development and climate change 2. Clean water
    6) Make a lot more of those water purifying straws.
    7) Hope for Haitians

    1. There are humans living on Antarctica.
      7 how does Hope for Haitians affect climate change?

  7. 1. owl monkey
    2. has cute eyes
    3. across southern central america and northern south america
    4. since they're nocturnal its hard to know
    5. their habitat, if they live in a tropical forest its easy for them to find food like fruit but in dry forests its not, potential threats are owls, snakes, and felids
    6. as of now, nothing. theyre pretty safe and since theyre nocturnal theres not a huge competition for food
    7. WWF

  8. 1) lemur
    2) cool colored eyes
    3) Madagascar
    4) classified in 8 different families
    5) one problem is that poor soils and low plant productivity can cause them to die off easily. The second problem is that there is a lot of political crime in MAdagascar causing them to tear down the habitat lemurs are living in.
    6) crime to be stopped
    7)International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Species Survival Commission Primate Specialist Group


  9. 1. Turk (A Gorilla)
    2. I like the name and where he currently resides, Harambe Wildlife Reserve
    3. Across Africa, and spotted in some Reserves/Zoos worldwide.
    4.156,180 (Very sad.... )
    5. Potential poaching, Bushmen hunters, humans (habitat loss)
    6. Wildlife Conservation Funds should be created w/ Gorilla reserves
    7. WWF and The Gorilla Organization

    1. Are you talking about Turk or all gorillas...your answer is confused.

    2. Well... Turk is a gorilla. I was referring to gorillas. Turk is the name of the gorilla.

  10. Bushbabies
    I like them because they are very small and have large eyes.
    They live mostly in Sub-saharan Africa and across a few various African nations.
    The population is unknown
    Two problems are evil chimps killing them and poachers.
    I think Chimps should find other food.

    1. Why should chimps find other food? Are there orgs to help?

  11. 1. Lemur Catta
    2. I like them because they look like they would be very friendly.
    3. Madagascar
    4. Unknown in the wild but 2000 in captivity.
    5. Low population. Poaching.
    6. We should keep the lemurs in captivity so they will be safe.
    7. Lemur conservation network.

    1. Is captivity the only answer?

  12. 1. Gibbons
    2. It was one of the first.
    3. South, East, and Southwest Asia
    4. 12 different types of species of gibbons.
    5. They are used to make certain Chinese medicines and they are threatened by the loss of their wildlife.
    6. Make it illegal to hunt these monkeys.
    7. World Wildlife fund

  13. 1) Howler monkey
    2) I've seen them in Costa Rica
    3) Mexico, Central America, and South America
    4) 10 different species
    5) Habitat destruction and hunting
    6) Make it illegal to hunt the howler monkeys and to preserve their habitats.
    7) Species Survival Commission's Primate Specialist Group

  14. 1) Pan paniscus or Bonobos
    2) I like Bonobos, because they are the most like Humans amongst all the apes I believe.
    3) 200,000 km² in central Africa in the Congo.
    4) Wild population estimates vary as low as 5,400 up to 100,000 but true population numbers are unknown.
    5) Low Population & Poaching.
    6) Stop Poachers & bring awareness to the struggling population, provide more conservation areas for them.
    7) Bonobo Conservation Initiative

  15. 1)Owl monkey Aotus
    2) I like there eyes because they look cool.
    3)Owl monkeys are widely distributed across southern Central America and northern South America
    4)It is unknown since there only nocturnal
    5)Depending on where they life if they are not in a rain Forrest it is hard for theme to find food. also potchers kill them in that area.
    6) help stop deforestation and potchers from killing them
