Thursday, February 5, 2015

This is Anthropology...and your future!

You've done some research, now it's time to think about your future and anthropology!  Will taking some anthropology courses (and the skills that go with them) in college, be helpful in your future career?

This is a 5 point assignment due by 2/11/15 @ 11:59pm:
1) put your first name, last initial, and class period
2) give your potential career choice
3) explain how taking some anthropology courses in college will, or will not, be helpful in your potential specific in your explanation
4) if you could study anthropology anywhere in the world, where would you do it, and why there?
Good luck!

When you successfully complete this assignment, you will see your comment posted right away...if you don't see it posted, try again!  Keep of the greatest predictors of your future success in life is your ability to stick with it and figure things out!


  1. Makenzie H period 3
    Help me to work with others from around the word which will help me work with patients
    I would study at Cambridge University in England because many anthropologists graduate from there

  2. 1. Caitlyn A Period 3
    2. Nurse
    3. It will show how humans developed and what they could need to survive and how to help them.
    4.Ireland because it is beautiful there and I want to live there.

  3. Casey L
    Period 3
    Depending on what I want to write about, anthropology can come in hand.
    I would want to study in Egypt because of all the history.

  4. Tatum T.
    Period 3
    1) To work in Public Relations or Human Resources at a company
    2) In taking anthropology courses it will help me to keep focused and never give up no matter how challenging something is an anthropologist never gives up and always follows through until their task is completed which will help me to stay focused and never give up on whatever I am working on
    3) I would study in Egypt or Greece because I feel like there would be a lot of interesting undiscovered and forgotten civilizations

  5. 1.Brandon Butler period 3
    2.Career in Finance
    3.Help to learn to communicate with people and help to understand peoples' personal financial problems
    4.I would study in Japan because of the countries rich history of art and warfare

  6. Cole Heyden period 2
    Help to see other cultures for inspiration
    Would study in India because its very cultural and spiritual

  7. 1.Alyssa Chapman P.2
    2. Forensics
    3. Anthropology would help to learn about humans and anatomy
    4. I would study somewhere in America, i depends where the best education is

  8. Kallie K.
    Period 2
    Help be able to understand how to communicate with different groups in society based on the past we learned about from taking anthropology courses.
    I would study somewhere in Greece because I am Greek and I want to learn more about there culture and understand Greece a long time ago compared to now.

  9. Iris M
    Period 2
    Food Science or Chemical Engineer
    While anthropology helps me learn about different cultures of the past and present, I don't think it will help me much in my specific career choice.
    I would study in Egypt, to see the pyramids.

  10. Emma B.
    Period 2
    I like learning about people in the past and present and why they do the things they do, but i don't think it would help me much unless I was planning on living in a different country with different customs.
    I would go to Australia because it has been a place I have wanted to go since I was a little girl.

  11. Eden R
    Period 2
    Graphic designer
    I think anthropology may help with my career by knowing about different cultures
    and what appeals to them. Also their past art may inspire new work.
    I would study in Greece because it is beautiful there and interesting.

  12. 1. Laura V period 2
    2. I want to have a career in physical therapy.
    3. Taking anthropology courses would help me in understanding human diversity, effective communication skills, and research skills because I need all of those to become a physical therapist.
    4. I would study in Italy because I have always wanted to learn about their culture.

  13. 1) Anna Slowiak Period 2
    2) Education
    3) Taking anthropology classes can help me get a better understanding with human diversity and communicate more efficiently.
    4) I would probably study in Egypt because I feel like there would be a lot of new discoveries there and more to learn about.

  14. Tyler S.
    Math Teacher
    It would help me because I would be surrounded by other people, so learning about people would definitely help.
    I would want to study Anthro in Colorado because there are mountains everywhere, and that would be a good location to look for fossils, and study them, etc.

  15. Sam S.
    Wedding Planner
    It will help me because ill be working with people.
    I would like to study anthropology in Rome because of the Colosseum.

  16. Brad V. 3
    Computer programmer
    It would help because there is a lot of collaboration needed and knowing others culture could help me communicate and allow better relationships.
    I would want to study in the desert near tombs.

  17. 1) Ania H. period 3
    2) Bioengineering
    3) Anthropology classes would help me with my communication skills, teach me different research methods, and teach me about different cultures which would help if I would ever have to collaborate with people from other countries.
    4) I would love to study in Egypt because ancient Egypt has always fascinated me and I would love to see the great pyramids in person.

  18. 1) Ben P. Period 3
    2) Film and Cinema
    3) it may help for background knowledge on making a documentary
    4) I'd study in India because if it's culture and spirituality, or in Norway because I really like Norway

  19. 1) Emma M p3
    2) Career in Health Sciences
    3) Taking Anthropology would be helpful when working with different people because you must having the ability to be understanding and open minded about other cultures.
    4) I would study anthropology in Europe because their is a variety of cultures within reasonable distance of each other.

  20. 1) Cory M. Period 3
    2) Nursing
    3) It will help me with knowing whether or not certain medications have helped humans in the past.
    4) I would love to study in Alaska because I LOVE the snow and the cold, plus it is just so beautiful down there.

  21. 1) Jill S, Period 3
    2) Social Work
    3) Learning about behaviors people have had over time, like cultural anthropology,
    4) I would study in 3rd world countries like, Honduras or Guatemala because their lives are so different from ours and seeing how they live and their behaviors would be interesting to study.

  22. 1) Amber W, Period 2
    2) Physical or Social Therapy, or Journalism
    3) They could really help improve my communications skills and make them more effective and fluent, so I am more comfortable with my patients. With journalism, the courses could help me with learning about different human behaviors and cultural diversity, therefore, expanding my writing topics.
    4) I would study in France because I have always wanted to learn more about the country and the people who live there.

  23. 1. Nick Panicola Period 2
    2. Biological Systems Engineer
    3. By becoming an archaeologist you learn to improve your communication skills and when you are working in a group of engineers to complete a project communication is key.
    4. Italy close to the Mediterranean so i could go swimming and enjoy the climate.

  24. Anthony S. Period 2
    Sports Reporter, analyst, journalist
    It would help because I could learn how to better get my point across and connect with a wide variety of the audience when reporting/giving my take on a specific topic.
    I would like to study right here in the United States because the U.S. is home to a wide variety of many different people.

  25. 1. Jaclyn W, Period 2
    2. Physical therapy
    3.This field studies the bones of the human body and how they work, and anthropology would help me understand different people from around the world. It will show me how people developed and what they need to stay healthy.
    4. I would study in Africa because I would love to help and learn about the people there.

  26. Kathryn Rische, period 2
    vocal performance
    I think that the "anthropology mindset" of being able to look from another culture/ someone else's perspective is a crucial part of being a performer
    I would like to go to india or china to study because they have such interesting cultures.

  27. Tara R, period 2
    FBI- BAU agent
    Anthropology can help broaden my communications and understanding of human behaviors.
    Egypt because the culture is fascinating and I'd love to study the structures such as the Pyramids.

  28. Maquel L, Period 3
    Depending on what I will write about Anthropology will come in handy
    Italy because I've always wanted to go there and learn more about the history and culture

  29. Nathaniel A, period 3
    Linguistic anthropology might help a little bit.
    I would like to study anthropology with a small tribe in Africa, because I would like to live with them for a year and run down antelopes and eat them with the tribe.

  30. Callie M Period 3
    I would love to take photos of nature and other cultures
    I would like to study anthropology anywhere and everywhere in the world like South America, Italy, Spain, India, China, and Egypt.

  31. Olivia Roehri 3
    Social Science Teacher
    I want to teach history, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Taking anthropology courses in college would help me further my knowledge in the subject so I could help the next generation of thinkers learn.
    I would love to work in Africa and learn the peoples customs, traditions, and try to help enhance the standard of living for them.

  32. Christian Taylor 3
    Mechanical Engineer
    It will be helpful in this career field because studying past human technological advancements improves modern concepts through analyzation of past failures and successes.
    I would like to study anthropology in the Middle East because I would like to look at the religious aspects of things (solve religious mysteries).

  33. Jordan Ebel 3
    Medical Technician
    I think studying anthropology will help me understand more about the cells I may study from the biological side of it.
    I would like to study anthropology in Greece as I find ancient Greek history very interesting.

  34. Cynthia Nava 2
    I think studying Anthro will help me know more about the past humans and what makes us now. Certain aspects that will help understand humans more.
    I would like to study in South America especially in Peru because I find Peru fascinating.

  35. 1. Patrick K, 2nd hour
    2. Graphic Designer/ Computer Engineer
    3. anthropology would be useful if i were to go into graphic design, because it could help me produce culture relative content for art and/or adverts
    4. I would study in New Zealand, because I want to see how european culture has adpated to the ever changing landscape of the deep down under

  36. Sam Ludwig, 3rd hour
    My potential career choice is either studying the arts or joining the marines. So anthropology in my opinion doesn`t necessarily apply to my choices. If I were to study anywhere it would be either Australia/New Zealand or Japan because all three are countries I adore and I feel like their is alot of knowledge in japanese history.

  37. 1) Max Parisi, 2nd hour
    2) Architect
    3) Cultural studies could help me in my future potential designs if i work overseas somewhere.
    4) I would go back to my roots in Italy and learn about my ethnic background.

  38. Erika LaSaker, 3rd hour
    Choreographer/ studio owner
    Linguistics may help me since most ballet is french.
    Also, it would come in handy because I'd like to study abroad in France and study dance in Puerto Rico

  39. Emily H
    Third Period
    I want to be a high school social science teacher.
    Anthropology will help me because I'll probably teach it one day.
    I'd like to study in India because it has a really rich and long culture
