Monday, February 22, 2016

Humans and More...When did things change (according to scientists)?

Your Job:

First, think about life on planet Earth...choose an organism (people, plant, or animal).  Then, write the following in your comment to this post.

1) Ask a question about your organism that relates to evolution -- choose from one of the stems below:
a. when (years) do scientists think X (your organism) diverged from Y (a closely related organism)?
b. when (years) do scientists think trait X evolved in your organism?
c. what is organism X's nearest living relative, and how much genetic similarity to the two share?

2) Explain why you are interested in the answer to your question.

3) Give the answer(s) to your question.

4) Give 2 sources (just the URLs) for your answer(s).

5) Explain the significance of your answer(s) to your life, to humanity in general, or to our understanding of the world.

Good luck!

This is due by 11:59pm on Monday 2/29/16.  It is a 5 point assignment. Make sure you see it post immediately...if not try again!  No comment posted = no points earned.


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    1. What are humans nearest living relative, and how much genetic similarity to the two share?

      I am interested to see who is considered to be our nearest relative.

      Chimpanzees & 98.8%

      As a human, I would like to know why chimps are related to us. This helps clarify my questioning.

  2. What are elephants nearest living relative, and how much genetic similarity do the two share?

    I am interested in seeing the elephants closest relative because I have never seen something so similar to them.

    A hyrax is the closest relative to an elephant. The hyrax might look like a mouse, but it isn't. It shares the same teeth, toes, and skull structures as an elephant. They share the same ancestor. It doesn't tell you the gene percentage that they share though. This is significant because it shows that everyone, including humans, shares the same ancestor and eve though we might not look the same as other creatures we still descended from them.

  3. What are giraffes nearest living relative, and how much genetic similarity dot he two share?

    I am interested in giraffes because they have suck a long neck that helps them eat, and I want to know how that evolved.

    The closest relative to the giraffe is the okapi it has a similar shaped body although it's neck is shorter than that of a giraffes neck. The okapi neck had evolved over time to help create the giraffe which helped eating purposes off the tops of trees.

  4. What are humans closest living relatives and how many genes do we share?
    I am interested in humans because we are an amazing species that has come so far
    Humans closest living relative is the Bonobo monkey we share 99% of dna with them

  5. what are humans closest living relatives how much are our genes similar to other species. I thought it was interesting that humans share 98% of the same DNA as chimpanzees. I thought it was interesting that we also share %50 of our DNA with bananas.

  6. 1) How did humans evolve feet/legs if they came from fish.
    (A) Around the 19th century fish began to become humans.
    (B/C) It is believed that humans earliest land-walking ancestors emerged from the water some 350 million years ago.
    2) Because we learned about this in class but I learned more from looking it up.

    5) This question helps us to understand the world better by knowing where humans came from and where every thing before them came from.

  7. What is a penguins nearest living relative and how much genetic similarity do the two share?
    I'm interested in penguins because they are flightless birds and I want to know how they evolved to that.
    The closest living relative to a penguin is the stork. 56.5% genetic similarity between a penguin and a stork.

  8. What is a dogs nearest living relative, and how much genetic similarity do the two share?

    I am interested in this question because I've had a dog for so many years and I don't even know where he comes from.

    Right now the nearest living organism to a dog is a wolf.

    This helps humans understand the world because we have dogs and pets. If they are related to wolves, then we need to know how to train them so they are safe to keep in our homes.

  9. 1- What is a chihuahua's nearest living relative, and how much genetic similarity do the two share?
    2- I am interested in this because I used to have a chihuahua and I have heard that they are distant relative of wolves.
    3- Fennec Fox & Volpino
    5- this relates to human society, because many people believe chihuahua's are related to many wolves and foxes. While some still believe it is defended from a fox or a volpino.

  10. 1) What is a beagle's closest living relative? How much of their genetic makeup is the same?
    2) I am interested in this because I have a beagle.
    3) The beagle's closest living relative is the fox hound,

  11. What is a leopards closest living relative, and how much genetic similarity do the two share?
    I'm interested to know the closest relative of a leopard because it's one of my favorite animals.
    Closest living relative is said to be lions, tigers, jaguars.
    Relates to humanity because many people thought that the leopards didn't belong with them since they can't roar like the others do. They were once placed in their own group but then later, it was found that the leopards are more related to tigers, lions and jaguars than they once thought.

  12. 1)What is a bears closest living relative, and what ancestor did they both originate from?
    2)I am interested in this because I've seen bears at the zoo
    3)The bears closest living relatives are pinnipeds a group containing seals, walruses, and sea lions.and are both believed to come from a creature called puijila
    5)This question helps us better understand the world better because now we know where bears come from.

  13. 1.What is a hummingbirds closest living relative, and what ancestor did they both originate from?
    2. Interesting that their closest living relative broke off around 42 million years ago.
    3. Came from the Treeswifts, which originated from a sister bird, the GIANT hummingbird.
    5. This question helps us better understand the process of evolution in showing that we have a very long tree of life.


  14. 1) b. when do scientists think the trait of no tail evolved in apes?

    2) If we can figure out when apes developed the no tail trait, we may be able to figure out what lead to the way humans are.

    3) 3.5 billion years ago


    5) This question helps us better understand how humans became the way they are.

  15. 1. The Bonobo

    2.I like the Bonobo because they all co exist happily and I feel like I could trust a bonobo with my life. I also like how they look like shriveled hairy old people

    3.The central Congo basin, near the Congo river, and near the Lualable


    5.They are close to going extinct because of deforestation, and also they are occasionally poached for their body parts because they are believed to increase sexual vigor and or cure illness

    6.I think that we should stop deforestation and make it illegal to hunt the animals themselves

    7.The bonobo conservation society collects donations to save bonobos and also keeps them safe in national parks to keep them from harms way

    Evan P.

  16. 1. Bonobo

    2. I like bonobos because they aren't aggressive like moneys and wont eat my face off.

    3.Bonobos are found only south of the Congo River and north of the Kasai River (a tributary of the Congo), in the humid forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo of central Africa


    5. they get hunted down by poachers and because the government is unsaleable over there they get killed a lot and eaten by people

    6. we can protect them and not eat the, maybe send food over there so the people wouldn't have to hunt and kill them.

    7. goodwill
