Thursday, April 14, 2016

Culture Then and Now

First -- Read/skim 1 or all of the links below to get an idea of the culture of the USA about 100 years ago:
Zero Hedge
US News
Daily Mail

Second -- choose one aspect of  USA culture that has changed since 100 or so years ago that you think has been the biggest positive change.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change has been so positive.

Third -- choose one aspect of  USA culture that has changed in the last 100 or so years that you think has been the biggest negative change.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change has been so negative.

Fourth -- choose one aspect of  USA culture currently that you think will change in a major way in the next 50 or so years.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change will happen.

Put your first name, last initial, and class period in the comments to this post.  This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on 4/20/16.


  1. Missy W. Period 3

    One aspect of U.S culture that I believe has been the biggest change is health. We use medicines and have hospitals that have helped people lives and their health. The life expectancy has gone up since the past which is a good thing.
    One aspect of the U.S culture that I believe has been the most negative change is how dependable people are with technology and social media. People are constantly on their phones and using technology in their lives.

    One aspect of the U.S culture that I believe will change within the next 50 years is that we will become more green. I believe, and hope, that we will change our ways so that we can save this earth one bit at a time.

  2. Matt Pat 3rd

    1. Technology has changed the most in the past 100 years. 100 years ago, our nation was having a heart attack over the idea of a car. What's that?! Today, 2016, we are waiting "patiently" for self-driving cars and jet packs.

    2. One aspect that has made a negative change is violence. 50 years ago, this country was still violent during wars and at the homeland (America), but it was by far better than it is now. Numerous shootings each year occur now.

    3. U.S. culture will change drastically over 50 years, especially from equality. I believe that in the next 50 years, we will see our first female President. We will see both men and women make equal pay. This is something that could happen and I would love to see it.

  3. Alli S 3rd

    1. The things that I think has been the biggest positive change is our life expectancy. It has gone up over 20 years which is probably because of our new advances in technology.
    2. The thing that has changed in the most negative way would probably be our population because it has increased so much that it is causing pollution and overcrowding in many cities. If we continue with this rate, we will run out of space for people to live.
    4. I think out technology will be the biggest change in the next 50 years. We have already made so many advances since the last 100 years I can't imagine how far we will come in the next 50.

  4. Biggest change in society has been marriage equality. Now our culture accepts same sex marriage which has left a good impact on our culture.

    Biggest change in society that is negative is gun violence. Because there more deaths due to violence in our culture.

    Technology will change the most in the next 50 years. Because just since we were all born the things like iPhone came out along with very successful websites and will continue to be successful.

  5. 1.) The life expectancy about a hundred years ago was 52, and now it's 78. With all the technology, and resources we have we are able to advance our medicine, and find new cures for health issues.
    2.) The percent of people who attended school a hundred years ago was ridiculously small. Although now days there's more of a demand for school so students can get a good job.
    3.) I think that technology will be way out of hand in about 50 years. Most people have their face glued to a phone all day. I can only imagine what kind of gadgets we will come up with in 50+ years.
    Rachel R - period 3

  6. Hayden Bailey p3
    2) One thing that has changed is the percent of male to females in the population.100 years ago most people living in the U.S. were male but now most people are female. I think this is positive because our view on females has changed to a more positive veiw and this might be because of the higher majority of females in the population.
    3)The population has trippled in the past 100 years. I dont think this is a good thing because then we have to produce more food, living space,and products to keep up with the growing population.
    4)House hold size i think is somthing that will change because people are having more and more kids now.

  7. The biggest change in the United States over the past century has been the increase of our life expectancy, IMO. It has gone up 25 years as a result of the advancements we have made in the medical field, and it will probably continue to increase as time goes on.

    The biggest change in society has been the changing of opinion on right to bare arms. 100 years ago, everyone agreed that the constitution was concrete and there was no point in having a differing opinion. Now, people are willing to speak out about it and are starting to lean towards the opposite.

    As for the next 50 years, I believe technology such as smartphones and computers will reach new heights. Humans will no longer have to rely on themselves for new information. This may be convenient, but nobody knows if this is a good thing overall.

  8. 1)The biggest change in society has been the change in buying powers American have gained over the last 100 years. It has allowed Americans to buy goods and advance their economy and culture quickly.
    2) A negative change over the past 100 years has been the increase of violence and an increase in the scale of violence. New weaponry increases death tolls all around the world compared to 100 years ago.
    3) For the next 50 years, I believe there will be a rise of counter culture against the advancement of technology.A good percentage of people will move away from social media, and focus on non-material items. While the rest of the world continue to advance technology.

    Matt Eaton-Period 3

  9. One big change over the last century is the average yearly income, in 1915 the average male made $660 which is $15,000 in today's currency. Now an average male makes $54,000.

    Violence has gotten a lot worse in the last century, the last year we went without a death due to a school shooting is 1980 the violence has gotten worse and will continue to get worse.

    In 50 years I think that technology will be integrated more into our daily lives. More surgical implants.

  10. The life expectancy in humans today is a great change. People are living much longer due to advances in the field of health.

    The biggest negative is take-home pay. Yes, we end up making more money than we used to, but we also have to pay more as well.

    I feel like both life expectancy and life span will be increased in the next 50 years.

    Josh LaSota - Period 3

  11. The positive of this all is that because of our technology people live a lot longer.
    The negative side is since we as humans eat so bad, the rates for heart disease have gone up immensely. Cancer has also been on the rise which could just be generational.

    I think that heart disease will begin to go down more. Or maybe even a cure fr cancer. Basically technology will be on the rise.

  12. 1) Modern medicine is the greatest change in the past century. It has cured most of the diseases from back then and is continuing to develop.
    2) The population has been a huge problem over the past century. The massive population jump has put our planet in danger.
    3) I feel like medicine will develop a lot further over the next fifty years.

  13. Jake Engen 3rd Period

    2) One of the biggest positive changes that has happened over the last 100 years has to be the average high school graduate rate because it grew from 12.8% to 85.4% which is a giant jump and is a good thing.

    3)One of the biggest negative changes in the pass 100 years has to be the most popular store because it went from Woolworth's in 1916 to McDonald's in 2016 which shows how much of society lacks on class.

    4)I believe in the next 50 years depending on who becomes president the race percentages will either rise or decrease depending on the presidency. which could either end good or bad for our country

  14. Brenda Contreras 3rd
    2. people living in the U.S in the past were more males than females along with more people in the household but now its been leveled out and theres a normal amount of people living in 1 household.
    3. the leading cause of death was pneumonia and influenza and although those levels went down, heart disease went up, due to the environment
    4. technology is on the rise, from self driving cars to water resistant phones. as time goes on and technology improves, society will continue to change whether its good or bad.

  15. Crystal Cardona 3rd
    2. in the past there were many people living in a household than what would be considered normal today, the men were also in majority
    3. as time went on the levels of death went down but also went up because heart disease and cancer starting becoming more common
    4. everyday technology is improving, new innovations. as people have more ideas and better technology to make it with, society could either improve for better or worse, depending on ones point of view

  16. Marlo C. 3rd
    2. One aspect that positively changed was the average humans life expectancy is longer because the longer an individual lives the more they can achieve in life.
    3. One aspect that negatively changed was prices on everyday items like cars, food, and gas increased since 1915 because as the prices on everyday items go up, the more people are susceptible to becoming more poor because in able to survive in today's society, you need money to buy things to keep you alive and healthy.
    4. Technology will definitely increase in 50 years because people are creating new advancements to make better medicines to cure diseases and keep the human population going.

  17. Jamie Pressley 3rd

    Same sex marriage is now legal and people don't have to be ashamed to be who they really are.

    The culture of the USA is now dictated by electronics and technology. This is bad because now most of our population is obese.

    How we travel and or communicate because people are always looking for faster and more efficient ways to reach other people.
