Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Your Favorite Food

1) Choose your favorite food item or the major ingredient of your favorite food item.
2) Explain where it came from all the way back to its original agricultural hearth.
3) Find out who (what country) is the biggest producer of that food item or ingredient in the world today and how much do they produce.
4) Find out how much of that food or major ingredient is consumed in the USA each year.
5) Include your reliable source(s) of info (URL address).

Include your first name, last initial, and class period in your comment, with 1-5 above, by 11:59pm on 5/2/16.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Culture Then and Now

First -- Read/skim 1 or all of the links below to get an idea of the culture of the USA about 100 years ago:
Zero Hedge
US News
Daily Mail

Second -- choose one aspect of  USA culture that has changed since 100 or so years ago that you think has been the biggest positive change.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change has been so positive.

Third -- choose one aspect of  USA culture that has changed in the last 100 or so years that you think has been the biggest negative change.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change has been so negative.

Fourth -- choose one aspect of  USA culture currently that you think will change in a major way in the next 50 or so years.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change will happen.

Put your first name, last initial, and class period in the comments to this post.  This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on 4/20/16.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Primates...Your Favorite and the Challenges It Faces

1) Choose your favorite primate (try this site if you can't remember any, and be specific...for example, there many types of lemur).
2) Why do you like this primate?
3) Where is it (what is its current range)?
4) How many are there?
5) What are the top 2 challenges/problems facing this primate?
6) What do you think should be done to help this primate?
7) What is an organization in the real world that is designed to help this type of primate, or is designed to help animals in general and might be helping this primate?

Post your comment with your first name and last initial.  Keep trying until you see it post.  This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on Friday 3/18/16.

Good luck!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Humans and More...When did things change (according to scientists)?

Your Job:

First, think about life on planet Earth...choose an organism (people, plant, or animal).  Then, write the following in your comment to this post.

1) Ask a question about your organism that relates to evolution -- choose from one of the stems below:
a. when (years) do scientists think X (your organism) diverged from Y (a closely related organism)?
b. when (years) do scientists think trait X evolved in your organism?
c. what is organism X's nearest living relative, and how much genetic similarity to the two share?

2) Explain why you are interested in the answer to your question.

3) Give the answer(s) to your question.

4) Give 2 sources (just the URLs) for your answer(s).

5) Explain the significance of your answer(s) to your life, to humanity in general, or to our understanding of the world.

Good luck!

This is due by 11:59pm on Monday 2/29/16.  It is a 5 point assignment. Make sure you see it post immediately...if not try again!  No comment posted = no points earned.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

You've done some research, now it's time to think about your future and anthropology!  Will taking some anthropology courses (and the skills that go with them) in college, be helpful in your future career?

This is a 5 point assignment due by 2/9/16 @ 11:59pm:
1) put your first name, last initial, and class period
2) give your potential career choice #1
3) explain how taking some anthropology courses in college will, or will not, be helpful in your potential career...be specific in your explanation
4) if you could study anthropology anywhere in the world, where would you do it, and why there?
Good luck!

When you successfully complete this assignment, you will see your comment posted right away...if you don't see it posted, try again!  Keep trying...one of the greatest predictors of your future success in life is your ability to stick with it and figure things out!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Post a comment to this blog post that has the following:
1) your first name, last initial, and class period
2) an explanation of one thing you want to learn more about humans and/or the field of anthropology this semester 

This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on Friday 1/22/16; make sure you go through the word verification process (you should see your comments post immediately -- if not, let me know before the due date so we can find out what is going wrong)...

Good luck!

Friday, January 15, 2016