Sunday, March 15, 2015

Primates...Your Favorite and the Challenges it Faces

1) Choose your favorite primate (try this site if you can't remember any).
2) Why do you like this primate?
3) Where is it (what is its current range)?
4) How many are there?
5) What are the top 2 challenges/problems facing this primate?
6) What do you think should be done to help this primate?
7) What is an organization in the real world that is designed to help this type of primate, or is designed to help animals in general and might be helping this primate?

Post your comment with your first name and last initial.  Keep trying until you see it post.  This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on Friday 3/20/15.

Good luck!


  1. Kallie Kouvelis
    1. Capuchin monkey
    2. It is so tiny and cute and interesting.
    3. They live in a large range in Brazil and other parts of Latin America.
    4. Capuchin monkeys usually live in large groups (10 - 35 individuals) within the forest.
    5. I think humans need to leave them alone because so many Capuchin Monkeys are taking into captivity. Some are used to help quadriplegics though.
    6. I think we need to let them live in the wild and not capture them. People take them to use them for entertainment.
    7. The Monkey Helpers organization helps these monkeys do their tasks.Also helping hands is a big organization these monkeys are apart of.

  2. 1) Orangutan
    2) Orangutans are my favorite primate because I think they look funny.
    3) Orangutans live in Indonesia.
    4) There are about 61, 234 orangutans left.
    5) Threats to the orangutan include the pet trade and the destruction of their homes.
    6) I think that we should stop buying pet orangutans from the wild.
    7) There is an organization called the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, and it is the largest organisation devoted to helping out orangutans.

  3. Brad V p3
    1. Bonobo
    2. They're not as aggressive as other monkeys and share with each other.
    3. Democratic Republic of Congo
    4. 50k - 100k
    5. a)War has caused large areas of their home to be destroyed.
    b) Many Bonobos are killed and sold as meat on the market.
    6. Laws should be put up to not allow the selling of their meat or we should create a safe environment to learn as they live safely.
    7. The IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group informs people of endangered primates by posting the top 25 most endangered primates.

  4. Brandon Butler
    1. Greater Bamboo Lemur
    2. This primate has its own genus so it is unique
    3. They live all across the island Madagascar
    4. There are 100-160 in the wild and about 20 in captivity
    5. This species is dependent upon one food source (bamboo) which is dangerous if its food source becomes scarce. Also, this lemur is among the top 25 most endangered primates in the world
    6. Deforestation and habitat destruction must stop in Madagascar in order to help this species
    7. American Forests may be helping this animal because it restores forest ecosystems in the U.S and 38 countries around the world

  5. Tara R.
    1. Bonobo
    2. I love that they are known to be kinder, more corporative, less agressive, and have more intelligence.
    3. They are located in the Congo Basin Rainforests of Central Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
    4. Their population is near 29,500-50,000 individuals.
    5. Some of the main reasons for their endangerment are warfare, habitat alteration, and most known commercial poaching, which is the hunting of the animals for bushmeat and other reasons.
    6. They need to make it more known that it should be illegal to hunt bonobos for their endangerment.
    7. The WWF organization is a huge help for the bonobos in raising money to save them and making people aware of the endangerment and issues with the species. I actually got all this information from the WWF website.

  6. Nick Panicola
    1. Gorilla
    2. They are so Alpha
    3. They are located in western Africa in Gabon and the Congo Brazzaville
    4. Around 100,000
    5. Their home is in the forest so human intervention and de-forestation is a problem.
    Gorillas are often targets of poachers.
    6. More protection for poachers and help from the countries to preserve the forests.
    7. The WWF organization is well known for helping Gorillas.

  7. Cynthia Nava
    1) Bonobo Pan Paniscus
    2) I like this primate because it is a bonobo. I think it is interesting that we look a lot like them because of the DNA.
    3) Democratic Republic of Congo
    4) 50,000-100,000
    5) Two main problems these bonobos are facing are using them as meat and for testing that can cause them harm. Hunting is a big issue with the Bonobos.
    6) I believe they should be kept either in their habitat or organizations that help them survive. They should be treated carefully.
    7) Bonobo and Congo Biodiversity Initiative are helping them out.

  8. Ania H
    1. Mouse Lemur
    2. They're tiny and must be protected from the world
    3. Madagascar
    4. The total population is unknown
    5. a. Humans are destroying their habitats.
    b. Forest degradation is taking away trees that mouse lemurs nest in.
    6. I believe areas of Madagascar where mouse lemurs live should be put under protection to keep people out.
    7. GERP (Groupe d’étude et de recherche sur les primates) is a group of around 200 people in Madagascar working to conserve Madagascar’s lemurs.

  9. Christian T
    2. I have seen them at Brookfield Zoo many times and they seem sensitive and inquisitive
    4.Roughly 50,000
    5.Loss of habitat do to logging, forest fires and the illegal pet trade
    6.Stricter regulations on its habitat and increased EPA intervention
    7. Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wild orangutans and their rainforest habitat.

  10. Emma M
    They typically are not violent.
    They live in Indonesia and Malaysia
    There are roughly 60,000 left
    Their population has decreased because of deforestation and pet trade.
    More strict law enforcement to protect and preserve the wild.
    Sumatrin Orangutan Society sponsors donations and raises awareness for orangutans

  11. Max P
    1. Gorilla
    2. They remind me of myself, big and angry.
    3. Central Africa, around the Congo and its tributaries.
    4. About 100,000
    5. They are poached a lot and like many animals they face de-forestation..
    6. Stability in Africa so that we can have better access to the area to study and protect the Gorillas.
    7. The WWF organization.

  12. 1) Bonobo Pan Paniscus
    2) I find it very interesting to watch these intelligent primates work with humans and learn from skills and concepts they are taught. They are complex beings with profound intelligence, emotional expression, and sensitivity.
    3) Bonobos are confined in central Africa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
    4) There are estimates of wild populations with numbers as low as 5,400 up to 100,000. The actual population size is unknown. One source reports a population estimate of at least 29,500 individuals. About 150 are in captivity.
    5) Bushmeat hunting is the greatest threat to wild bonobo populations. People are turning to wild sources for meat.Collective threats include: poaching, civil unrest, habitat degradation, and a lack of information about the species.
    6) I think people need to become more aware of this endangered species and, therefore, need to find other sources of food in order to prevent extinction of bonobos.
    7) The Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI) has been active in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2001, identifying priority bonobo sites and searching for solutions to the complex problem of conservation.

  13. 1) Tarsiers
    2) Tarsiers are insane-looking creatures with huge eyes and a tiny body that lands them somewhere in between cute and creepy. My favorite part about then is that their unusually long anklebones allow them to jump up to forty times their own body length!
    3) They are found on a few Southeast Asian islands
    4) Most estimates guess that there are only 5,000-10,000 tarsiers left in the wild.
    5) Conservation is made especially difficult by the tarsier's shy and elusive nature. Habitat destruction coupled with confusions in classification make the tarsier a hard animal to protect, as shown by their declining numbers.
    6) Since keeping tarsiers in captivity can be tricky, our best bet in saving them would be to stop destroying their habitat.
    7) The Philippine Tarsier Foundation currently leads the charge in tarsier conservation

  14. Period 3
    Tatum Turner
    1) Bonobos
    2) I like bonobos because they are very kind and caring animals and they resemble humans the most
    3) They can mainly be found in central Africa and also in parts of the Dominican Republic
    4) Between 30,000 and 100,000
    5) Bonobos are endangered so it is a struggle to keep the species alive everyday and also they are very shy animals so researchers don't get to study them in their natural habitat very often
    6) I think we should stop hunting in areas where bonobos are found so they don't get scared and so their species can stay strong and alive
    7) BCBI is an organization in the Congo part of the Dominican Republic that raises awareness about bonobos and help with conservation efforts of bonobos

    1. I'm with you on everything except the Dominican Republic...maybe the Democratic Republic of Congo?

  15. Caitlyn Adams
    Period 3
    1. Orangutan
    2. They are orange
    3. Asia- Indonesia and Malaysia
    4. They are about 60,000 left
    5.Loss of habitation due to deforestation and illegal hunting
    6. Stop deforestation
    7. Borneo Orangutan Survival

  16. Casey Laktas
    Period 3
    1. Bonobo
    2. Democratic Republic of Congo
    3. I like them because we share a similiar "loving" trait.
    4. There are less than 100,00.
    5. They are being hunted and since they only have one baby every 5 to 6 years, it is hard to keep the population up so fast.
    6. Make hunting them illegal.
    7. The AWF provides equipment to rangers that protect them.

  17. Erika L
    Period 3
    1. Orangutan
    2. They're just funny looking orange apes
    3. Indonesia
    4. Somewhere between 50-60,000
    5. The obvious problems consist of deforestation/destruction of their habitats because of logging and such, as well as the illegal pet trade.
    6. I think the sale/trade of exotic animals needs to come to an end. The idea is popular for all the wrong reasons and technically, no animals were meant to be house pets. I bought a gecko from Africa and he's not even that cool.
    7. is a website for an organization where anyone can donate or reach out to help orangutans.

  18. Laura V
    Period 2
    1. Bonobo
    2. Because they behave so much like humans.
    3. Mostly in Africa, specifically the Congo.
    4. About 80k
    5. Loss of habitat, and people trying to get them out of the wild to have more testing on the animals.
    6. Watching them more closely through the wild.
    7. BCI Bonobos Conservation Initiative. They conduct bonobo surveys, establishes protected areas, and increases global awareness about these animals.

  19. Jill S
    Period 3
    1. Bonobo
    2. Bonobos seem to share many of the skills that we as humans share. They are the
    less aggressive primates of all the monkeys.
    3. Mostly found in the Congo in Africa
    4. About 50,000-10,000
    5. Hunting bonobos and selling their meat seems to be one of the biggest issues that they might face.
    6. Try to make people understand that these monkeys shouldn't be hunted down and sold for food
    7. The WWF foundations helps over 30 countries to protect wildlife

  20. Anna Slowiak Period 2
    1. Aotus (owl monkey)
    2. I like their big eyes
    3. southern Central America and northern South America
    4. Was not specified
    5. They are resistant to parasites that carry malaria so they are currently being researched on and larger animals that hunt at night as well. They also enjoy the lowland areas which can flood up to 7 meters, but they have other preferred spots so this isn't as much as an issue.
    6. Not do harmful tests to this primate, and try to make sure not as many of them die from large animals.
    7. New England Primate Research Center, there have been doing studies on the owl monkey on their skills and nocturnal living at this facility.

  21. Olivia Roehri
    1. Golden Lion Tamarin
    2. They have a nice head of hair.
    3. Brazil and Rio de Janerio
    4. There isn't a specific number, but they're aren't that many out there.
    5. They are facing losing their habitat and endangerment
    6. Make more safe habitats for them like having nature reserves
    7.The WWF helps primates and they advocate for their homes.

  22. Tyler Smith
    1. bonobo
    2. they are friendly
    3.mainly africa
    4. somewhat endangered
    5. losing their habitat and being harmed by animals/humans
    6. Give them a safe habitat and care
    7. The wwf helps take care of primates and gives them a place to live

  23. Sam Ludwig
    2. They are beastly
    3. Africa
    4. The numbers are getting smaller but if your in the right spot you will spot many of them.
    5. Facing endangerment
    6. We should provide organizations where we help the gorillas reproduce safely rather than out in the wild with hunters in the area.
    7. The WWF helps all primates by providing safety within their home.

  24. Jaclyn Walters
    2.They are cute in size and they aren't aggressive.
    3.Spread throughout Madagascar
    4.About 50k-100k.
    5.Hunting bonobos for their meat and loss of habitat.
    6.Give them a new and safe location to live. There should be laws restricting people to hunt them for food.
    7.The WWF which helps all primates giving them a good home that keeps them safe. Also, the BCI Bonobos Conservation Initiative. This organization educates people around the world why we should keep the bonobos safe by giving out surveys, and finding protected areas for them.
