Monday, April 13, 2015

Culture Then and Now

First -- Read/skim 1 or all of the links below to get an idea of the culture of the USA about 100 years ago:
Zero Hedge
US News
Daily Mail

Second -- choose one aspect of  USA culture that has changed in the last 100 or so years that you think has been the biggest positive change.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change has been so positive.

Third -- choose one aspect of  USA culture that has changed in the last 100 or so years that you think has been the biggest negative change.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change has been so negative.

Fourth -- choose one aspect of  USA culture currently that you think will change in the next 50 or so years.  Write it down, and explain why you feel this cultural change will happen.

Put your first name, last initial, and class period in the comments to this post.  This is a 5 point assignment due by 11:59pm on 4/21/15.


  1. Tara R-2nd period
    Positive Change: Some of the diseases that killed many people 100 years ago like influenza and pnemonia aren't the highest cause of death anymore. Now the high cause of death would be heart disease.
    Negative Change: Today people are making much more money than people did 100 years ago, which may seem like a great change, but I disagree. I don't believe this is a positive change because with people making more money and there being more money in the system has caused our society to be controlled by money and judged by the amount of money that they are making. Everything seems to get run by how much you make and the value of your house and car, while 100 years ago everything seems so much simpler because people were more worried about happiness than money.
    Still to change: Compared to 100 years ago, there are a lot more people living in the city instead of the country, and I think the amount of people switching over to the city will increase every year because there is always construction making more city and tearing away the country. This is also a negative change that will happen because of all the pollution in the air hurting the environment.

  2. Nick P. 2nd-
    Positive Change- A hundred years ago the world went through its first world war and the second one soon followed after. Even though there are still wars they don't seem to be as common as they used to be.
    Negative Change- From the US news article it talks about how the average american is taking home more money then they did 100 years ago. The only problem is things are more expensive now so it turns out that we may be bringing home more money but the cost of everyday life has increased.
    Going to Change- The safest thing to expect to change is modern medicine. Medicine is always changing and within 50 years I imagine it will be more different and better then we can imagine.

  3. Amber W.- 2nd Period
    A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost eleven dollars 100 years ago. Now, long distance calls are included in our phone packages. Therefore, this is a positive change because we are able to make unlimited long distance calls and only pay one over-all price.
    Negative Change- You were taking more of a risk in buying a home then than you are today. Homeowners insurance didn't exist yet and there were few zoning laws in the country. In other words, you could buy a nice house near a beautiful open field and the next year there could be a huge factory next door, which also could have brought upon the issue of your walls containing lead paint, and your insulation was likely asbestos!
    Still to Change- I definitely would say that in the next 50 years or so we will have better technology and medicines. We are becoming more and more advanced every year.

  4. Brad V/Period 3
    Positive change: There is a lot more money circulating the USA that we can use in smaller fractions than we could in 1915. This allows us to have smaller values for the smaller currency and thus purchase non-expensive items without overpaying.
    Negative change: Since money has increased by thousands due to inflation, we have to pay way more for things than we would back in 1915, such as cars and houses.
    Still to Change: Money. Its not done growing yet but I feel that in 50 years there will be no need for cash anymore, we will have all of it on a debit/credit card.

  5. Emma B/ P2
    Positive change: You make more money now, rather than what you would make 100 years ago.
    Negative change: To fill up your car with gas would cost you 15 cents a gallon 100 years ago. But today it cost around $2.29 per gallon when its cheap.
    Still need to change: I think that 50 years from now there wont be any "country" land to live on. i think that we will keep building and building until the whole country is urban and no rural areas.

  6. Kallie Kouvelis/ 2
    Positive Change- We have a lot better and healthier food now than we did a 100 years ago. Nowadays most people can afford a bealthy meal for their family. This is a positive change because now people can eat better food even though it is more expensive.
    Negative change- We have a lot of inflation today than we did a 100 years. This causes us to pay for things that would have been a lot cheaper back in the day. Such as cars, houses, gas, and entertainment things.
    Still to change- Technology is going to keep changing and I think we will be a computer machine world instead of a man made world. I also think that inflation will go down eventually.

  7. Brandon B/ Period 3
    Positive Change: We have much better health knowledge today than we did 100 years ago. Back then, we were unsure about how unhealthy things like certain foods, tobacco and working conditions were. We have much more knowledge now.
    Negative Change: There was no minimum wage in 1915 which is a major problem because companies can pay their employees unreasonably low rates. People barely get by today with a minimum wage so it would have been impossible for some people to get by without one.
    The next 50 years: I believe the world will become much greener after realizing that we are harming the earth more and more every day. The green revolution has skyrocketed in the past decade and I believe it will continue

  8. Makenzie H period 3
    Negative Change: The prices of healthy food getting higher. This is bad because now when people go to get food they choose the unhealthy option because it is cheaper. This is causing the obesity in America to go up
    Positive Change: Take-home pay going up. This is good because people are now making more money than they used to. When people make more money they spend more money which helps the economy
    Change: I think in the future school will change. I think that most schools will be online instead of actually having to attend school

  9. 3
    In the last 100 years a huge positive change for Americans is the decrease in rate of diseases that caused death. Pneumonia and influenza used to be the main cause of death in the U.S. peaking in 1918, when 130 million people died. That has dropped drastically, leaving heart disease to replace it for the leading cause. although this is still a disease, the number of people suffering from it dropped approximately 192 cases in ever 100,000 people. On the negative end, inflation has sent expenses absolutely skyrocketing since 100 years ago. Stamps from 2 cents to 27 cents. People earn more so everything has to cost more. It seems relative but it causes much more problems today.

  10. 3
    In the last 100 years a huge positive change for Americans is the decrease in rate of diseases that caused death. Pneumonia and influenza used to be the main cause of death in the U.S. peaking in 1918, when 130 million people died. That has dropped drastically, leaving heart disease to replace it for the leading cause. although this is still a disease, the number of people suffering from it dropped approximately 192 cases in ever 100,000 people. On the negative end, inflation has sent expenses absolutely skyrocketing since 100 years ago. Stamps from 2 cents to 27 cents. People earn more so everything has to cost more. It seems relative but it causes much more problems today.

  11. Ben Peters / Period 3
    Positive: The USA have been doing what they can to maintain our claim of being "the land of the free" by implementing rights for many different people. (black rights, gay rights, etc.)

    Negative: As time has and always will progress, we run into issues with inflation and have had things like the Great Depression happen.

    Next 50 Years: Currency (as mentioned before) will continuously fluctuate in value, causing problems in the future.

  12. Tatum Turner/ Period 3
    Positive Change: The biggest positive change over the last 100 years is that there are far less people dying from the flu and other diseases. Medical sciences have become a lot more advance over the years which help our population to survive longer.
    Negative Change: The biggest negative change over the past 100 years is we have moved from dying from curable diseases to dying from fatal diseases such as cancer and heart diseases which are even harder and almost impossible to cure.
    The next 50 years: In the next 50 years I see our society and doctors coming up with a cure for the diseases that are hard to cure now such as cancer and heart diseases.

  13. Nathaniel Anleitner/ Period 3
    Positive Change: One positive thing that I think has happened is the increase in racial diversity in the United States. This brings in more experiences, viewpoints, and heritages, and this lets us look at issues from various angles.
    Negative Change: One negative thing is the decrease in the number of people older than 65. This means that there are less grandparents for everybody, and I really liked my grandparents.
    The Next 50 Years: I think that we will continue the trend towards more and more diversity. Hiding sexual orientation won't be as much of an issue in the future, and hopefully most racial slurs will have died from our collective lexicon.

    1. Check your negative change...there are far more people over 65 today (by number and by percent) than there were 100 years ago in the USA.

  14. Caitlyn Adams, Period 3
    Positive change: We know more about diseases and have found ways to stop them by a shot. WE have learned everything that could happen so we can stop it before it gets too late.
    Negative: Heart disease has become a problem. More people have died with the heart between 1950 and 2010 than the did in 1900. But in 1900 there was other diseases that they treated.
    I think in 50 years or so they will find a cure for cancer because they have been trying to find one for quite some time now. I think this will happen because they have been trying to find a cure and almost there.

  15. Nathaniel Anleitner/ Period 3
    Positive Change: One positive thing that I think has happened is the increase in racial diversity in the United States. This brings in more experiences, viewpoints, and heritages, and this lets us look at issues from various angles.
    Negative Change: One negative thing is the decrease in the number of people older than 65. This means that there are less grandparents for everybody, and I really liked my grandparents.
    The Next 50 Years: I think that we will continue the trend towards more and more diversity. Hiding sexual orientation won't be as much of an issue in the future, and hopefully most racial slurs will have died from our collective lexicon.

  16. Ania H-Period 3
    Positive Change:The population now consists of more women which is leading to more equality between the genders.
    Negative Change: The population grew by over 205 million over the last century. Now many of the people who were born in this century are getting older so more and more people are in need of money that we don't have enough of.
    Next 50 years: I believe that the population is going to continue to rise. This may eventually lead to overpopulation and a lack of natural resources.

  17. Maquel L/ 3
    Positive Change: The take home pay is going up a lot too. In 1915 the average year people made $687, now the average yearly income is about $50,000.
    Negative Change: Everything has become so much more expensive. On average if you buy a car now it will be around $31,000. In 1915 the average was around $2,000.
    Next 50 Years: In the next 50 years I think prices will raise and there will be more jobs created and take home pay will go up as well.

  18. Samantha S.
    Period 3
    A positive change is that people are making more money and its helping the economy grow faster.
    A negative change is that things are costing more and it harder for people to afford them.
    IN the next 50 years i believe that things are going to cost more but people are going to be making more money.

  19. Cory Masterson
    Period 3
    Positive change: The biggest positive change over the past 100 years is that there is now a minimum wage and woman are paid a lot more equal. Back then woman would make about 6 dollars a week and would not have enough money for any fun.
    Negative change: Things are so much more expesive now and that makes things harder to buy.
    I think that minimum wage is going to go up again the next 50 years.

  20. Jaclyn Walters, Period 2
    Positive change: We are more aware about diseases and doctors and scientists have found many ways to cure and stop them, mainly with shots and injections. We have found most of the diseases and know how to cure most of them. With this there are less people dying, our population has increased and a lot more people have survived because medical sciences have advanced.
    Negative: The biggest negative change over the past 100 years is that more people have died from cancer and heart disease from 1950-2010 than in 1900. We have changed from dying from curable diseases to dying to fatal diseases.
    I think in the next 50 years there will be an even stronger and newer cure for cancer and I think that every doctor check up will be more aware of these fatal diseases. I feel that doctors and scientists are so close to finding the cure and believe that they will, hopefully saving the lives of many loved ones.

  21. Cynthia Nava, period 2
    Positive change: I believe a positive change from now and then is the technology because it has improved. Sites are a great way for students to do work from school. The chrome books being used in class are very helpful. My next hope for the kids of the future is still using better technology than us.
    Negative change: I believe one major negative factor is the causes of the deaths. Not only from diseases but also suicides. Many take their life's away without asking for help. Tragedy happens a lot in the world today.
    Change: One major hope for the future is finding a cure for cancer. There are many trying to find answers and are close. I know one day we'll find a cure for all the kids suffering from this disease.

  22. Laura Valentine, Period 2
    Positive change: that more people are obtaining high school degrees and bachelor's degrees, so our country is more educated. Hopefully this percentage keeps increasing.
    Negative change: that people's income is raising, therefore also all prices around us are raising by extreme amounts. This causes poverty for people who cannot get a high-paying job.
    Since technology has been improving rapidly over the past years, I believe technology will only become more powerful in the next 50 years.

  23. Casey Laktas, Period 3
    A positive change is that 100 years ago only 12.8% graduated high school and now we are at 85.4%. This is positive because education is important in today's society. A negative change is that the unemployment rate has gone up over the last 100 years. This is negative because that means less jobs for people. I think that they will improve medicine, for example finding the cure for cancer.

  24. Jill Sikora p. 3
    A positive change is that 100 years ago the main causes of death was caused by Influenza & pneumonia, this is a positive change because we were able to find a cure for these types of diseases.
    I believe that in the next 50 years if we do change our dieting and more exersize, the highest death rate won't be due to heart disease. If there was more exercising and eating healthier, people would die from natural causes such as old age or accidents etc.
    A negative change is that now people don't do as much exercise now and don't work hard enough. Because of poor diet and lack of exercise, there will bean increase heart disease. Its Interesting because it shows how in the 1900's heart disease wasn't much of a problem because there was more farming to be done, less exercise and had a better eating habit and rationed food better.

  25. Patrick Kennelly p2
    - the biggest positive change is that the life expectancy was increased from 52 years old to 78. This has been an extremely positive change because the cause for the low life expectancy was due to many diseases and sickness that we have now cured, or found vaccinations for.
    - the most negative change that has happened is by far cancer is now one of the biggest killers and in the 1920s was almost non-existent. My theory for why this is, is because of the discovery and production of nuclear weapons producing toxic waste and radioactive pollution.
    - in the next 50 years I foresee a very normal change to most common names, possibly being more unusual and more unique.

  26. tyler smith

    positive : The number of high school graduates has gone up from 12% to 85%

    negative: more people are dying from cancer. the numbers are increasing and it is putting more and more people in danger

    in the next 50 years i think there will be a cure for cancer, which will save the lives of very many people

  27. Anna Slowiak. 2.
    Positive change: the death rate from heart disease has gone down a huge amount since 1950.
    Negative change: although the mortality rate from heart disease has decreased, cancer went from being #5 cause of death in 1900 to #2 in 2000.
    I feel within the next 50 years or so the price of almost every object will go up, so hopefully if object prices increase, hopefully minimum wage will be raised as well. Hopefully everyone's overall pay will increase.

  28. Iris Melcher 2
    Positive change: We now have much more medical and science related knowledge and that's still growing. 100 years ago the main cause of death was disease like influenza and we now have medicines for diseases so we can focus on other things like cancer.
    Biggest Negative: I think that the stress level in teenagers has increased significantly in the past 100 years with all the advances in technology. This is negative because it's harder to live these days than back then because of all of the expectations for being really smart, instead of being good at farming or something.
    In the next 50 years i think that technology and advances in science will still be increasing and increasing. Maybe laptops will be a thing of the past!

  29. Kathryn Rische

    I think that the biggest positive change has been the advancement of technology. It is so easy to obtain any information that you want which is a very good thing.

    The biggest negative change is that relationships and family life are more difficult to sustain in this culture because everything moves so much faster.
    In the next 50 years I believe that technology/social media will still play a huge role in life..and the culture will change as well.

  30. Emma M 3

    The biggest positive change is our progress within the medical field. With the knowledge we have gained, we are able to be proactive with medicine. This has allowed us to conquer what used to be deadly illnesses and move onto more complicated problems like cancer and genetic disorders.

    The biggest negative change is our reliance on technology for communication. Many have lost the ability to socialize in person because of the barrier a cell phone or computer has the ability to make.

    In the future, I think cloning will be a focus within science. Especially for therapeutic use as it's very difficult to find an organ donor. Like all new ideas and change it will take time to be accepted by more people.

  31. Anthony S. Period 2

    I believe the biggest positive change is the advancement of technology as a whole. From the medical field to in handheld electronics, it has shown how capable the human race is as well as how brilliant we can be.

    I think the most negative change lies in social media. It has not only made us too reliable on technology, but we are starting to sacrifice personal interactions and activities outdoors by staying on our phones or other entertainment devices.

    In the future, I think major advances will come in military weaponry and the medical field because the US is already showing signs of advancement in those areas. Countries are always looking to make themselves more powerful, but they are also looking to save as much of their own as possible. I believe we will really showcase our countries capabilities in the next 50 years.

  32. Grace P. 2nd Hour

    (+) Cultural Diversity: In 1913, 1 in 8 people in the US were nonwhite. Today, 1 in 4 are. ( Having a melting pot for a country makes us more creative, adaptive, and productive, ultimately leading to a richer heritage. If this positive trend continues, we will see even further sharing of ideas, traditions, and beliefs within our nation.

    (-) Population Boom: The US population in 1913 was 97,225,000. Today, it is 320,000,000. ( As a planet, the strain we are putting on resources such as raw materials, food, and energy will soon become overwhelming. Although the US isn't the worst offender with a growth rate of 0.7% in the last year (, we could still be doing much more about this issue before it develops into a true disaster.

    (Looking Forward) The biggest threat in the future is ourselves. If we manage to avoid nuking ourselves out, our technology might simply wrest control from us entirely... Or has it already?

  33. Isaiah Tavares Pd.3
    Positive: The positive was the bringing up of the minimum wage. It has helped people over the years because it was made for to live comfortably. You can pay for your priorities and still have money to buy yourself things.
    Negative: The medicines that they give us now are more harmful for our bodies in the long run. Yes it takes our sickness/ pain away. But when taking pills most cancer patients take them and they have bad side affects. and in the long run it damages our liver.
    Now: One thing i think that will change is racism.. Yes they claim it is all over years ago. but from the recent things thats been happening you can see it is still around. I feel as if every culture is getting sick of everything being about race in different situations. I think people will start to learn to accept eachother for who they really are.

  34. Jordan Ebel period 3
    1) I believe one positive change that has occurred over past 100 years is the increases in education, both in terms of enrollment and for graduation. The more people that attend schools, no matter what level means a more educated society. A successful society needs a successful population, and education helps the population get there.
    2) Even though it was a small increase the increase to unemployment is still a huge a negative. Unemployment usually leads to an impoverished household. If an unemployed person has a family and they fall below the poverty line, it can lead to a more difficult and less successful life for their children. This could mean an even larger increase in unemployment in later generations.
    3) One thing I believe will change over the next 100 years will be societies view on how religion impacts government. Over the past few years laws that were once influenced by religion are slowly beginning to change, such as laws regarding same sex marriage.
